Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sin Theory: The Blurb

What is Sin?

Simply put, the violation of a religious law or commandment. The result of which is a very serious consequence.

Adam and Eve are probably two of the most famous people in the world of literature, both fiction and nonfiction alike. For many religious believers, they are the first human beings ever created, thus, the ancestors of the entire human race.

Their story is recounted in the book of Genesis, one of many ancient documents in a collection of writings known throughout the modern world as the Judeo-Christian Holy Bible. This book is believed to have been inspired by the supernatural Creator known as God - the most powerful being in the universe.

Having given Adam and Eve the task and honor of populating planet Earth, God also planted a delightful garden filled with a number of different trees bearing a variety of edible fruits. However, one of them - the infamous tree of the knowledge of good and evil - was off limits and a commandment was given forbidding the consumption of its fruit.

Unfortunately, the commandment was disobeyed and the entire human race is believed to have been negatively affected by it. So much so that the consequence of this disobedience is the Sin which introduced the banefully pernicious and irreversible phenomena known as Death.

Sin Theory is an in-depth look at the human sin problem - a habitually persistent sin addiction based on ever-evolving sin disease that leads to the Ultimate Sin Question: Are We What They Ate?

I wish to present a case of what I believe to be evidence that suggests that the negative state to which the human race now resides is very possibly the result of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ingested.

If your interest has been piqued, I plan to display:

1. A Completely Detailed Outline
2. A Sentence Description for each Chapter
3. A Full Summary for each 7-Part Section

And if there is further interest, a full manuscript can be provided.

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